Picking Up Hot Women

Welcome and, thanks for landing on this site.

This site is about The Players Journey through learning the art of Picking up hot women.

In particular this site is about my journey through Cold Approach Pickup.

Also known as the Venusian arts.

The Venusian arts (the Art of Love) are the arts of picking up a woman you had not previously met and successfully beginning an intimate relationship with her.

“While your primary purpose in life is to survive, your secondary purpose is to replicate”.

“Your motives in this life are simple but not simplistic: to live and love.”

Quote ‘The Mystery Method’

Join me on the journey to becoming a pickup artist. It will change your life.

About me:

Australian Daygamer.

Older guy, following in the footsteps of the London Daygamers.

Inspired by Nick Krauser’s blog.

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